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Ontario and Yates Recovery Centers

Lakeview Health Services prides itself in enriching the lives and spirits of those recovering from mental illness.

Our club program promotes opportunities for individuals to experience hope and to overcome mental health challenges and stigmas. We strive to provide individualized, flexible community-based services that promote responsibility, recovery and wellness.

The Recovery Centers serve those who are age 18 and older and identify as living with mental health challenges. Staffed by peers, the Recovery Center activities foster personal development that will lead to an enriched, confident, and self-directed life. 

Our Centers embrace and promote recovery, advocacy, inclusion, independence, personal responsibility, learning and wellness. 

Our Centers encourages growth and wellness and invite you to participate

  • Wellness and Recovery Groups
  • Educational and Advocacy
  • Social Opportunities
  • Artistic Outlets
  • Member planned activities

Click here For our one-page Self-Referral Form